Hazard ratio
A measure of how often a specific event happens in one group compared to how often it happens in another group, over time. In cancer research, hazard ratios are often used in clinical trials to measure survival at any point in time in a group of patients who have been given a specific treatment compared to a control group given another treatment or a placebo. A hazard ratio of one means that there is no difference in survival between the two groups. A hazard ratio of greater than one or less than one means that survival was better in one of the groups. [NCI]
A family of basic proteins that associate with DNA in the nucleus and help condense it into chromatin. Nuclear DNA does not appear in free linear strands; it is highly condensed and wrapped around histones in order to fit inside of the nucleus and take part in the formation of chromosomes. Some histones function as spools for the thread-like DNA to wrap around. [From https://www.nature.com/scitable/definition/histones-57/]
A proposed explanation for some event or phenomenon when the actual cause is either not known or does not adequately explain what is observed. A scientific hypothesis must explain all of the results of a study, and be testable, repeatable, and refutable (capable of being proven wrong). However, a scientific hypothesis can never be absolutely proven correct, because there is always the possibility that the real explanation is beyond our present state of knowledge. [CIHR]
A condition in which there is a decrease in the oxygen supply to a tissue. In cancer treatment, the level of hypoxia in a tumour may help predict the response of the tumour to the treatment. [NCI]