2020 ARCC Conference on May 25 and 26
Registration for the 2020 ARCC Conference, which will take place in Saskatoon on May 25 and 26, is NOW OPEN! Click Here to Register. Plenary themes for 2020 include Real World Evidence, Data-Linkage, and Patient Engagement in research. Early-bird rates are in effect until April 17, 2020.
If you are a new professional (within 5 years of receiving your terminal degree) you may be eligible for a special registration code to access this special rate. If you are a patient looking to attend the 2020 ARCC Conference, complementary registration may be available.
The abstract and travel award submission deadline for the 2020 ARCC Conference is Friday January 31st, 2020. The abstract submission site is https://www.events.f2fe.com/arcc/abstract/index.cfm?ID=2IPj5Uf. Travel awards are available for current students, as well as new professionals within 5 years of graduation. Guidelines can be found at https://cc-arcc.ca/wp-content/uploads/2019/10/Abstract-Guidelines_ARCC-2020.pdf.
All questions about the 2020 ARCC Conference as well as information about registration codes and complementary registration can be directed to the Network Manager, Rebecca Mercer at Rebecca.Mercer@cancercare.on.ca.